Gender mainstreaming for health managers: a practical approach

Posted 08/06/23
Institution: WHO

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The manual is a user-friendly guide aimed to raise awareness and develop skills on gender analysis and gender responsive planning in health sector activities. The Manual is conceptually structured to move from awareness to action throughout a three to four day workshop to reduce gender-based inequities in health. Core WHO gender analysis tools are introduced in this participatory training manual

Topic covered:

By the end of a workshop using this Manual, users will have developed skills and networks to: improve the health of women and girls as set out in several international instruments; promote gender equality and health equity by addressing the broader determinants of health for men and boys, women and girls; strengthen health systems and primary health care approaches; involve women and men in health decisions that directly affect their lives; develop, implement and monitor gender-responsive health policies and programmes; and engage in multisectoral activities and dialogue towards addressing gender and gender inequality as determinants of health.


WHO (2011), Gender mainstreaming for health managers: a practical approach.

Languages: English
Target audience: Health managers

Integration of sex and gender considerations into health research is critical to achieving gender equality and health equity. This resource hub is a curated repository of resources to strengthen researchers’ capacity to consider sex, gender, and their intersections with other axes of inequality and discrimination throughout the research cascade, from conception to design, data collection, analysis, interpretation and reporting.


The two WHO-hosted special programmes for research – the UNDP/UNFPA/UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction (HRP) and the UNICEF/UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) – have identified an initial set of existing relevant, accessible and comprehensive resources that are immediately available to all researchers. In the longer term, the aim is to continue to expand the inventory by crowdsourcing relevant tools through this portal.


This inventory includes toolkits, guides, research articles, training and audio-visual materials that are readily available in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish.

The resources are categorized by type of resource, intended audience, topics covered and creators/developers.

Have something to share?

This resource aims to meet the needs of researcher in all contexts, working in all health topics and using different research methods. If you have a resource that supports consideration of sex and gender variables and considerations in health research and which is not yet included in this repository, you are invited to share it with us by completing the form below. A team from HRP and TDR will assess your submission for inclusion, depending upon it meeting the criteria of the portal and inform you accordingly. Please respond to the following the following questions before submission:

  • Does your resource address sex and/or gender variables and considerations in health research?
  • Is the resource readily available to researchers globally (i.e., published in open access journal, or free for download from a website or other source)?
  • In which language is your resource available? (Tick all those that apply)
  • Does your resource fall under one or more of the categories listed below?

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Contact us

if you have any queries, please write an email to with your question and specifying in the subject of your email sex and gender in health research resource hub.

Or fill in the following form: