A virtual resource hub
Incorporating intersectional gender analysis into research on infectious diseases of poverty: a toolkit for health researchers
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This toolkit aims to strengthen the capacity of researchers working on infectious diseases of poverty by incorporating an intersectional gender approach. The objectives of this document are to: 1) strengthen the research capacity of disease-affected countries in intersectional gender approaches; 2) understand and address barriers to effective and quality implementation of health interventions oriented to prevent and control infectious diseases; and 3) explore solutions for enhancing equality in access to quality health care.
Incorporating intersectional gender analysis into research on infectious diseases of poverty: a toolkit for health researchers. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
Module 1: Understanding gender, sex and intersectionality and why it matters for infectious diseases of poverty. Module 2: Getting to grips with how to approach intersectional gender analysis for research on infectious diseases of poverty. Module 3: Gender considerations within the design and development of research: data disaggregation and gender frameworks. Module 4: Gender considerations within the design and development of research: developing gender analysis questions. Module 5: Research methods to transform inequitable gender norms. Module 6: Gender considerations within the data collection process. Module 7: Analysing research data using an intersectional gender lens. Module 8: Incorporating an intersectional gender lens into implementation research on infectious diseases of poverty. Module 9: Gender considerations within the dissemination and reporting of infectious disease research.
TDR implementation research toolkit – module 8: developing an implementation research project with an intersectional gender lens
Developed by:
Module 8 aims to strengthen the capacity of researchers by incorporating an intersectional gender perspective in implementation research (IR).
Ogundahunsi O, Kamau EM (eds). Implementation research toolkit, second edition. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2018. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
It is a step-by-step guide for researchers to develop an implementation research (IR) proposal incorporating an intersectional gender lens. Available in English and French
A tool for strengthening gender-sensitive national HIV and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) monitoring and evaluation systems
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While gender inequality affects many health conditions and outcomes, nowhere is it more pronounced than in matters of sexuality and reproduction. Gender inequality influences the ability of women and girls to exercise control and autonomy when it comes to matters of their own sexuality (for example, choosing sexual partners, deciding when to have sex, refusing sex, engaging in safe sex) and reproduction (for example, deciding to or not to have children, using contraception and protecting themselves from sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV). Hence, programmes and policies to address the health of women and girls, particularly their sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and HIV status, must be informed by evidence and address gender inequality.
WHO (2016), A practical tool for strengthening gender-sensitive national HIV and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) monitoring and evaluation systems.
Asking the right questions about monitoring and evaluation of gender inequality
Identifying an appropriate set of gender-sensitive indicators
Generating meaningful data through gender analysis
Making M&E systems gender-sensitive
Latest Content
Guía práctica para la inclusión de la perspectiva de género en los contenidos de la investigación
To provide a set of methodological tools and examples for integrating a gender perspective in research
Caprile M, Valles N, Palmen R, Subirats M, Ruiz Cantero MT, Castaño C, Sánchez de Madariaga I. Guía práctica para la inclusión de la perspectiva degénero en los contenidos de la investigación. Fundación CIREM. 2012
How to think about priorities, theories and concepts; formulate research questions; analyse sex, gender, and other covariates; rethink standards and references; participatory research.
Includes examples from medicine and biotechnology (e.g., GBV), architecture and urban planning; and IT and communication
Guía práctica para la inclusión de la perspectiva de género en los contenidos de la investigación
To provide a set of methodological tools and examples for integrating a gender perspective in research
Caprile M, Valles N, Palmen R, Subirats M, Ruiz Cantero MT, Castaño C, Sánchez de Madariaga I. Guía práctica para la inclusión de la perspectiva degénero en los contenidos de la investigación. Fundación CIREM. 2012
How to think about priorities, theories and concepts; formulate research questions; analyse sex, gender, and other covariates; rethink standards and references; participatory research.
Includes examples from medicine and biotechnology (e.g., GBV), architecture and urban planning; and IT and communication
Guía práctica para la inclusión de la perspectiva de género en los contenidos de la investigación
Developed by:
To provide a set of methodological tools and examples for integrating a gender perspective in research
Caprile M, Valles N, Palmen R, Subirats M, Ruiz Cantero MT, Castaño C, Sánchez de Madariaga I. Guía práctica para la inclusión de la perspectiva degénero en los contenidos de la investigación. Fundación CIREM. 2012
How to think about priorities, theories and concepts; formulate research questions; analyse sex, gender, and other covariates; rethink standards and references; participatory research.
Includes examples from medicine and biotechnology (e.g., GBV), architecture and urban planning; and IT and communication
Guía práctica para la inclusión de la perspectiva de género en los contenidos de la investigación
To provide a set of methodological tools and examples for integrating a gender perspective in research
Caprile M, Valles N, Palmen R, Subirats M, Ruiz Cantero MT, Castaño C, Sánchez de Madariaga I. Guía práctica para la inclusión de la perspectiva degénero en los contenidos de la investigación. Fundación CIREM. 2012
How to think about priorities, theories and concepts; formulate research questions; analyse sex, gender, and other covariates; rethink standards and references; participatory research.
Includes examples from medicine and biotechnology (e.g., GBV), architecture and urban planning; and IT and communication
Guía práctica para la inclusión de la perspectiva de género en los contenidos de la investigación
To provide a set of methodological tools and examples for integrating a gender perspective in research
Caprile M, Valles N, Palmen R, Subirats M, Ruiz Cantero MT, Castaño C, Sánchez de Madariaga I. Guía práctica para la inclusión de la perspectiva degénero en los contenidos de la investigación. Fundación CIREM. 2012
How to think about priorities, theories and concepts; formulate research questions; analyse sex, gender, and other covariates; rethink standards and references; participatory research.
Includes examples from medicine and biotechnology (e.g., GBV), architecture and urban planning; and IT and communication
Guía práctica para la inclusión de la perspectiva de género en los contenidos de la investigación
To provide a set of methodological tools and examples for integrating a gender perspective in research
Caprile M, Valles N, Palmen R, Subirats M, Ruiz Cantero MT, Castaño C, Sánchez de Madariaga I. Guía práctica para la inclusión de la perspectiva degénero en los contenidos de la investigación. Fundación CIREM. 2012
How to think about priorities, theories and concepts; formulate research questions; analyse sex, gender, and other covariates; rethink standards and references; participatory research.
Includes examples from medicine and biotechnology (e.g., GBV), architecture and urban planning; and IT and communication
Guía práctica para la inclusión de la perspectiva de género en los contenidos de la investigación
To provide a set of methodological tools and examples for integrating a gender perspective in research
Caprile M, Valles N, Palmen R, Subirats M, Ruiz Cantero MT, Castaño C, Sánchez de Madariaga I. Guía práctica para la inclusión de la perspectiva degénero en los contenidos de la investigación. Fundación CIREM. 2012
How to think about priorities, theories and concepts; formulate research questions; analyse sex, gender, and other covariates; rethink standards and references; participatory research.
Includes examples from medicine and biotechnology (e.g., GBV), architecture and urban planning; and IT and communication
Guía práctica para la inclusión de la perspectiva de género en los contenidos de la investigación
Investigación, género y ética: una triada necesaria para el cambio
To reflect on the implementation of research and analyse the inclusion or not of a gender perspective in research.
Vázquez Recio, R. Investigación, género y ética: una triada necesaria para el cambio. Forum: Qualitative Social Research. 2014; 15(2). http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs1402104.
Role of women researchers; gender biases; gender sensitive health research ethics. Includes a series of bullet points with recommendations of aspects to bear in mind from a design and ethics perspectives when conducting health research.
Investigación, género y ética: una triada necesaria para el cambio
To reflect on the implementation of research and analyse the inclusion or not of a gender perspective in research.
Vázquez Recio, R. Investigación, género y ética: una triada necesaria para el cambio. Forum: Qualitative Social Research. 2014; 15(2). http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs1402104.
Role of women researchers; gender biases; gender sensitive health research ethics. Includes a series of bullet points with recommendations of aspects to bear in mind from a design and ethics perspectives when conducting health research.
Investigación, género y ética: una triada necesaria para el cambio
Developed by:
To reflect on the implementation of research and analyse the inclusion or not of a gender perspective in research.
Vázquez Recio, R. Investigación, género y ética: una triada necesaria para el cambio. Forum: Qualitative Social Research. 2014; 15(2). http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs1402104.
Role of women researchers; gender biases; gender sensitive health research ethics. Includes a series of bullet points with recommendations of aspects to bear in mind from a design and ethics perspectives when conducting health research.
Investigación, género y ética: una triada necesaria para el cambio
To reflect on the implementation of research and analyse the inclusion or not of a gender perspective in research.
Vázquez Recio, R. Investigación, género y ética: una triada necesaria para el cambio. Forum: Qualitative Social Research. 2014; 15(2). http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs1402104.
Role of women researchers; gender biases; gender sensitive health research ethics. Includes a series of bullet points with recommendations of aspects to bear in mind from a design and ethics perspectives when conducting health research.
Investigación, género y ética: una triada necesaria para el cambio
To reflect on the implementation of research and analyse the inclusion or not of a gender perspective in research.
Vázquez Recio, R. Investigación, género y ética: una triada necesaria para el cambio. Forum: Qualitative Social Research. 2014; 15(2). http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs1402104.
Role of women researchers; gender biases; gender sensitive health research ethics. Includes a series of bullet points with recommendations of aspects to bear in mind from a design and ethics perspectives when conducting health research.
Investigación, género y ética: una triada necesaria para el cambio
To reflect on the implementation of research and analyse the inclusion or not of a gender perspective in research.
Vázquez Recio, R. Investigación, género y ética: una triada necesaria para el cambio. Forum: Qualitative Social Research. 2014; 15(2). http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs1402104.
Role of women researchers; gender biases; gender sensitive health research ethics. Includes a series of bullet points with recommendations of aspects to bear in mind from a design and ethics perspectives when conducting health research.
Investigación, género y ética: una triada necesaria para el cambio
To reflect on the implementation of research and analyse the inclusion or not of a gender perspective in research.
Vázquez Recio, R. Investigación, género y ética: una triada necesaria para el cambio. Forum: Qualitative Social Research. 2014; 15(2). http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs1402104.
Role of women researchers; gender biases; gender sensitive health research ethics. Includes a series of bullet points with recommendations of aspects to bear in mind from a design and ethics perspectives when conducting health research.
Investigación, género y ética: una triada necesaria para el cambio
Manual de capacitación en género y salud
To strengthen competencies of Ministry of Health multidisciplinary personnel in understanding the role of gender as a social determinant of health, in intersectoral interventions, in health research and other health fields.
El Salvador. Ministerio de Salud. Viceministerio de Políticas de Salud. Dirección de Regulación y Legislación en Salud. “Manual de Capacitación en Género y Salud”. San Salvador, El Salvador.
Research with a gender focus; feminism’s contributions to Science; gender biases in health research; inclusion of principles, values, and goals in research.
This is a 6 module training guide; module 6 specifically covers integration of gender into health research
Manual de capacitación en género y salud
To strengthen competencies of Ministry of Health multidisciplinary personnel in understanding the role of gender as a social determinant of health, in intersectoral interventions, in health research and other health fields.
El Salvador. Ministerio de Salud. Viceministerio de Políticas de Salud. Dirección de Regulación y Legislación en Salud. “Manual de Capacitación en Género y Salud”. San Salvador, El Salvador.
Research with a gender focus; feminism’s contributions to Science; gender biases in health research; inclusion of principles, values, and goals in research.
This is a 6 module training guide; module 6 specifically covers integration of gender into health research
Manual de capacitación en género y salud
Developed by:
To strengthen competencies of Ministry of Health multidisciplinary personnel in understanding the role of gender as a social determinant of health, in intersectoral interventions, in health research and other health fields.
El Salvador. Ministerio de Salud. Viceministerio de Políticas de Salud. Dirección de Regulación y Legislación en Salud. “Manual de Capacitación en Género y Salud”. San Salvador, El Salvador.
Research with a gender focus; feminism’s contributions to Science; gender biases in health research; inclusion of principles, values, and goals in research.
This is a 6 module training guide; module 6 specifically covers integration of gender into health research
Manual de capacitación en género y salud
To strengthen competencies of Ministry of Health multidisciplinary personnel in understanding the role of gender as a social determinant of health, in intersectoral interventions, in health research and other health fields.
El Salvador. Ministerio de Salud. Viceministerio de Políticas de Salud. Dirección de Regulación y Legislación en Salud. “Manual de Capacitación en Género y Salud”. San Salvador, El Salvador.
Research with a gender focus; feminism’s contributions to Science; gender biases in health research; inclusion of principles, values, and goals in research.
This is a 6 module training guide; module 6 specifically covers integration of gender into health research
Manual de capacitación en género y salud
To strengthen competencies of Ministry of Health multidisciplinary personnel in understanding the role of gender as a social determinant of health, in intersectoral interventions, in health research and other health fields.
El Salvador. Ministerio de Salud. Viceministerio de Políticas de Salud. Dirección de Regulación y Legislación en Salud. “Manual de Capacitación en Género y Salud”. San Salvador, El Salvador.
Research with a gender focus; feminism’s contributions to Science; gender biases in health research; inclusion of principles, values, and goals in research.
This is a 6 module training guide; module 6 specifically covers integration of gender into health research
Manual de capacitación en género y salud
To strengthen competencies of Ministry of Health multidisciplinary personnel in understanding the role of gender as a social determinant of health, in intersectoral interventions, in health research and other health fields.
El Salvador. Ministerio de Salud. Viceministerio de Políticas de Salud. Dirección de Regulación y Legislación en Salud. “Manual de Capacitación en Género y Salud”. San Salvador, El Salvador.
Research with a gender focus; feminism’s contributions to Science; gender biases in health research; inclusion of principles, values, and goals in research.
This is a 6 module training guide; module 6 specifically covers integration of gender into health research
Manual de capacitación en género y salud
To strengthen competencies of Ministry of Health multidisciplinary personnel in understanding the role of gender as a social determinant of health, in intersectoral interventions, in health research and other health fields.
El Salvador. Ministerio de Salud. Viceministerio de Políticas de Salud. Dirección de Regulación y Legislación en Salud. “Manual de Capacitación en Género y Salud”. San Salvador, El Salvador.
Research with a gender focus; feminism’s contributions to Science; gender biases in health research; inclusion of principles, values, and goals in research.
This is a 6 module training guide; module 6 specifically covers integration of gender into health research
Manual de capacitación en género y salud
Towards another way of studying the health of women and men: guide for the incorporation of the gender perspective in health research
To provide health researchers with specific, useful and practical guidance to strengthen sensitivity around gender issues in research studies.
Jiménez Rodrigo ML, García Calvente MdM, Martínez Morante E, del Río Lozano M. Hacia otra forma de estudiar la salud de mujeres y hombres : guía para la incorporación de la perspectiva de género en la investigación en salud. Depósito de investigación Universidad de Sevilla. 1 January 2010
Guidance for integrating gender into design and implementation of health research projects, evaluation of research projects, and dissemination of research results.
Towards another way of studying the health of women and men: guide for the incorporation of the gender perspective in health research
To provide health researchers with specific, useful and practical guidance to strengthen sensitivity around gender issues in research studies.
Jiménez Rodrigo ML, García Calvente MdM, Martínez Morante E, del Río Lozano M. Hacia otra forma de estudiar la salud de mujeres y hombres : guía para la incorporación de la perspectiva de género en la investigación en salud. Depósito de investigación Universidad de Sevilla. 1 January 2010
Guidance for integrating gender into design and implementation of health research projects, evaluation of research projects, and dissemination of research results.
Towards another way of studying the health of women and men: guide for the incorporation of the gender perspective in health research
Developed by:
To provide health researchers with specific, useful and practical guidance to strengthen sensitivity around gender issues in research studies.
Jiménez Rodrigo ML, García Calvente MdM, Martínez Morante E, del Río Lozano M. Hacia otra forma de estudiar la salud de mujeres y hombres : guía para la incorporación de la perspectiva de género en la investigación en salud. Depósito de investigación Universidad de Sevilla. 1 January 2010
Guidance for integrating gender into design and implementation of health research projects, evaluation of research projects, and dissemination of research results.
Towards another way of studying the health of women and men: guide for the incorporation of the gender perspective in health research
To provide health researchers with specific, useful and practical guidance to strengthen sensitivity around gender issues in research studies.
Jiménez Rodrigo ML, García Calvente MdM, Martínez Morante E, del Río Lozano M. Hacia otra forma de estudiar la salud de mujeres y hombres : guía para la incorporación de la perspectiva de género en la investigación en salud. Depósito de investigación Universidad de Sevilla. 1 January 2010
Guidance for integrating gender into design and implementation of health research projects, evaluation of research projects, and dissemination of research results.
Towards another way of studying the health of women and men: guide for the incorporation of the gender perspective in health research
To provide health researchers with specific, useful and practical guidance to strengthen sensitivity around gender issues in research studies.
Jiménez Rodrigo ML, García Calvente MdM, Martínez Morante E, del Río Lozano M. Hacia otra forma de estudiar la salud de mujeres y hombres : guía para la incorporación de la perspectiva de género en la investigación en salud. Depósito de investigación Universidad de Sevilla. 1 January 2010
Guidance for integrating gender into design and implementation of health research projects, evaluation of research projects, and dissemination of research results.
Towards another way of studying the health of women and men: guide for the incorporation of the gender perspective in health research
To provide health researchers with specific, useful and practical guidance to strengthen sensitivity around gender issues in research studies.
Jiménez Rodrigo ML, García Calvente MdM, Martínez Morante E, del Río Lozano M. Hacia otra forma de estudiar la salud de mujeres y hombres : guía para la incorporación de la perspectiva de género en la investigación en salud. Depósito de investigación Universidad de Sevilla. 1 January 2010
Guidance for integrating gender into design and implementation of health research projects, evaluation of research projects, and dissemination of research results.
Towards another way of studying the health of women and men: guide for the incorporation of the gender perspective in health research
To provide health researchers with specific, useful and practical guidance to strengthen sensitivity around gender issues in research studies.
Jiménez Rodrigo ML, García Calvente MdM, Martínez Morante E, del Río Lozano M. Hacia otra forma de estudiar la salud de mujeres y hombres : guía para la incorporación de la perspectiva de género en la investigación en salud. Depósito de investigación Universidad de Sevilla. 1 January 2010
Guidance for integrating gender into design and implementation of health research projects, evaluation of research projects, and dissemination of research results.
Towards another way of studying the health of women and men: guide for the incorporation of the gender perspective in health research
Gender Analysis (webpage)
Introduction to gender analysis
Gender Analysis (webpage)
Defining gender, introducing gender analysis, methods and resources
Gender Analysis (webpage)
Introduction to gender analysis
Gender Analysis (webpage)
Defining gender, introducing gender analysis, methods and resources
Gender Analysis (webpage)
Developed by:
Introduction to gender analysis
Gender Analysis (webpage)
Defining gender, introducing gender analysis, methods and resources
Gender Analysis (webpage)
Introduction to gender analysis
Gender Analysis (webpage)
Defining gender, introducing gender analysis, methods and resources
Gender Analysis (webpage)
Introduction to gender analysis
Gender Analysis (webpage)
Defining gender, introducing gender analysis, methods and resources
Gender Analysis (webpage)
Introduction to gender analysis
Gender Analysis (webpage)
Defining gender, introducing gender analysis, methods and resources
Gender Analysis (webpage)
Introduction to gender analysis
Gender Analysis (webpage)
Defining gender, introducing gender analysis, methods and resources
Gender Analysis (webpage)
Addressing gender in impact evaluation
Build capacity in assessing gender-related impact
Fletcher, G. (2015). Addressing gender in impact evaluation. A Methods Lab Publication. London: Overseas Development Institute & Melbourne: BetterEvaluation.
The guide recommends specific steps in assessing gender-related impact including: understanding and classifying how an intervention seeks to engage with gender; defining gender-sensitive evaluation questions to address gender impact; and, methods and tools that are particularly helpful in answering such questions.
Addressing gender in impact evaluation
Build capacity in assessing gender-related impact
Fletcher, G. (2015). Addressing gender in impact evaluation. A Methods Lab Publication. London: Overseas Development Institute & Melbourne: BetterEvaluation.
The guide recommends specific steps in assessing gender-related impact including: understanding and classifying how an intervention seeks to engage with gender; defining gender-sensitive evaluation questions to address gender impact; and, methods and tools that are particularly helpful in answering such questions.
Addressing gender in impact evaluation
Developed by:
Build capacity in assessing gender-related impact
Fletcher, G. (2015). Addressing gender in impact evaluation. A Methods Lab Publication. London: Overseas Development Institute & Melbourne: BetterEvaluation.
The guide recommends specific steps in assessing gender-related impact including: understanding and classifying how an intervention seeks to engage with gender; defining gender-sensitive evaluation questions to address gender impact; and, methods and tools that are particularly helpful in answering such questions.
Addressing gender in impact evaluation
Build capacity in assessing gender-related impact
Fletcher, G. (2015). Addressing gender in impact evaluation. A Methods Lab Publication. London: Overseas Development Institute & Melbourne: BetterEvaluation.
The guide recommends specific steps in assessing gender-related impact including: understanding and classifying how an intervention seeks to engage with gender; defining gender-sensitive evaluation questions to address gender impact; and, methods and tools that are particularly helpful in answering such questions.
Addressing gender in impact evaluation
Build capacity in assessing gender-related impact
Fletcher, G. (2015). Addressing gender in impact evaluation. A Methods Lab Publication. London: Overseas Development Institute & Melbourne: BetterEvaluation.
The guide recommends specific steps in assessing gender-related impact including: understanding and classifying how an intervention seeks to engage with gender; defining gender-sensitive evaluation questions to address gender impact; and, methods and tools that are particularly helpful in answering such questions.
Addressing gender in impact evaluation
Build capacity in assessing gender-related impact
Fletcher, G. (2015). Addressing gender in impact evaluation. A Methods Lab Publication. London: Overseas Development Institute & Melbourne: BetterEvaluation.
The guide recommends specific steps in assessing gender-related impact including: understanding and classifying how an intervention seeks to engage with gender; defining gender-sensitive evaluation questions to address gender impact; and, methods and tools that are particularly helpful in answering such questions.
Addressing gender in impact evaluation
Build capacity in assessing gender-related impact
Fletcher, G. (2015). Addressing gender in impact evaluation. A Methods Lab Publication. London: Overseas Development Institute & Melbourne: BetterEvaluation.
The guide recommends specific steps in assessing gender-related impact including: understanding and classifying how an intervention seeks to engage with gender; defining gender-sensitive evaluation questions to address gender impact; and, methods and tools that are particularly helpful in answering such questions.