Implementation research massive open online course (MOOC) – incorporating an intersectional gender perspective in implementation research
This MOOC aims to provide hands-on training on implementation research. By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Design your own implementation research projects with an intersectional gender lens;
- Critically evaluate and use the evidence produced by other implementation research projects; and
- Commission robustly designed implementation research projects that take into account gender dimensions and other intersecting axes of inequality.
This MOOC aims to provide hands-on training on implementation research. This will help researchers to understand the relevance of sex, gender and intersectionality to infectious diseases of poverty. It will help to develop and enhance skills to apply the knowledge and understanding in implementation research projects.

Implementation research massive open online course (MOOC) – incorporating an intersectional gender perspective in implementation research
This MOOC aims to provide hands-on training on implementation research. By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Design your own implementation research projects with an intersectional gender lens;
- Critically evaluate and use the evidence produced by other implementation research projects; and
- Commission robustly designed implementation research projects that take into account gender dimensions and other intersecting axes of inequality.
This MOOC aims to provide hands-on training on implementation research. This will help researchers to understand the relevance of sex, gender and intersectionality to infectious diseases of poverty. It will help to develop and enhance skills to apply the knowledge and understanding in implementation research projects.

Implementation research massive open online course (MOOC) – incorporating an intersectional gender perspective in implementation research
Developed by:
This MOOC aims to provide hands-on training on implementation research. By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Design your own implementation research projects with an intersectional gender lens;
- Critically evaluate and use the evidence produced by other implementation research projects; and
- Commission robustly designed implementation research projects that take into account gender dimensions and other intersecting axes of inequality.
This MOOC aims to provide hands-on training on implementation research. This will help researchers to understand the relevance of sex, gender and intersectionality to infectious diseases of poverty. It will help to develop and enhance skills to apply the knowledge and understanding in implementation research projects.

Implementation research massive open online course (MOOC) – incorporating an intersectional gender perspective in implementation research
This MOOC aims to provide hands-on training on implementation research. By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Design your own implementation research projects with an intersectional gender lens;
- Critically evaluate and use the evidence produced by other implementation research projects; and
- Commission robustly designed implementation research projects that take into account gender dimensions and other intersecting axes of inequality.
This MOOC aims to provide hands-on training on implementation research. This will help researchers to understand the relevance of sex, gender and intersectionality to infectious diseases of poverty. It will help to develop and enhance skills to apply the knowledge and understanding in implementation research projects.

Implementation research massive open online course (MOOC) – incorporating an intersectional gender perspective in implementation research
This MOOC aims to provide hands-on training on implementation research. By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Design your own implementation research projects with an intersectional gender lens;
- Critically evaluate and use the evidence produced by other implementation research projects; and
- Commission robustly designed implementation research projects that take into account gender dimensions and other intersecting axes of inequality.
This MOOC aims to provide hands-on training on implementation research. This will help researchers to understand the relevance of sex, gender and intersectionality to infectious diseases of poverty. It will help to develop and enhance skills to apply the knowledge and understanding in implementation research projects.

Implementation research massive open online course (MOOC) – incorporating an intersectional gender perspective in implementation research
This MOOC aims to provide hands-on training on implementation research. By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Design your own implementation research projects with an intersectional gender lens;
- Critically evaluate and use the evidence produced by other implementation research projects; and
- Commission robustly designed implementation research projects that take into account gender dimensions and other intersecting axes of inequality.
This MOOC aims to provide hands-on training on implementation research. This will help researchers to understand the relevance of sex, gender and intersectionality to infectious diseases of poverty. It will help to develop and enhance skills to apply the knowledge and understanding in implementation research projects.

Implementation research massive open online course (MOOC) – incorporating an intersectional gender perspective in implementation research
This MOOC aims to provide hands-on training on implementation research. By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Design your own implementation research projects with an intersectional gender lens;
- Critically evaluate and use the evidence produced by other implementation research projects; and
- Commission robustly designed implementation research projects that take into account gender dimensions and other intersecting axes of inequality.
This MOOC aims to provide hands-on training on implementation research. This will help researchers to understand the relevance of sex, gender and intersectionality to infectious diseases of poverty. It will help to develop and enhance skills to apply the knowledge and understanding in implementation research projects.
Implementation research massive open online course (MOOC) – incorporating an intersectional gender perspective in implementation research

Bench to bedside: integrating sex and gender to improve human health
After participating in this activity, the learner will demonstrate the ability to:
• Identify sex and gender differences in the presentation, risk factors, and pathophysiology of disease.
• Describe how sex and gender differences in risk factors and pathophysiology affect patient outcomesand disease management.
• Identify opportunities to address gaps in knowledge via future research efforts.
• Describe how insights from sex and gender research in one disease area can inform research design inother fields of study.
Six modules: Immunology; Cardiovascular Disease; Pulmonary Disease; Neurology; Endocrinology; Mental Health

Bench to bedside: integrating sex and gender to improve human health
After participating in this activity, the learner will demonstrate the ability to:
• Identify sex and gender differences in the presentation, risk factors, and pathophysiology of disease.
• Describe how sex and gender differences in risk factors and pathophysiology affect patient outcomesand disease management.
• Identify opportunities to address gaps in knowledge via future research efforts.
• Describe how insights from sex and gender research in one disease area can inform research design inother fields of study.
Six modules: Immunology; Cardiovascular Disease; Pulmonary Disease; Neurology; Endocrinology; Mental Health

Bench to bedside: integrating sex and gender to improve human health
Developed by:
After participating in this activity, the learner will demonstrate the ability to:
• Identify sex and gender differences in the presentation, risk factors, and pathophysiology of disease.
• Describe how sex and gender differences in risk factors and pathophysiology affect patient outcomesand disease management.
• Identify opportunities to address gaps in knowledge via future research efforts.
• Describe how insights from sex and gender research in one disease area can inform research design inother fields of study.
Six modules: Immunology; Cardiovascular Disease; Pulmonary Disease; Neurology; Endocrinology; Mental Health

Bench to bedside: integrating sex and gender to improve human health
After participating in this activity, the learner will demonstrate the ability to:
• Identify sex and gender differences in the presentation, risk factors, and pathophysiology of disease.
• Describe how sex and gender differences in risk factors and pathophysiology affect patient outcomesand disease management.
• Identify opportunities to address gaps in knowledge via future research efforts.
• Describe how insights from sex and gender research in one disease area can inform research design inother fields of study.
Six modules: Immunology; Cardiovascular Disease; Pulmonary Disease; Neurology; Endocrinology; Mental Health

Bench to bedside: integrating sex and gender to improve human health
After participating in this activity, the learner will demonstrate the ability to:
• Identify sex and gender differences in the presentation, risk factors, and pathophysiology of disease.
• Describe how sex and gender differences in risk factors and pathophysiology affect patient outcomesand disease management.
• Identify opportunities to address gaps in knowledge via future research efforts.
• Describe how insights from sex and gender research in one disease area can inform research design inother fields of study.
Six modules: Immunology; Cardiovascular Disease; Pulmonary Disease; Neurology; Endocrinology; Mental Health

Bench to bedside: integrating sex and gender to improve human health
After participating in this activity, the learner will demonstrate the ability to:
• Identify sex and gender differences in the presentation, risk factors, and pathophysiology of disease.
• Describe how sex and gender differences in risk factors and pathophysiology affect patient outcomesand disease management.
• Identify opportunities to address gaps in knowledge via future research efforts.
• Describe how insights from sex and gender research in one disease area can inform research design inother fields of study.
Six modules: Immunology; Cardiovascular Disease; Pulmonary Disease; Neurology; Endocrinology; Mental Health

Bench to bedside: integrating sex and gender to improve human health
After participating in this activity, the learner will demonstrate the ability to:
• Identify sex and gender differences in the presentation, risk factors, and pathophysiology of disease.
• Describe how sex and gender differences in risk factors and pathophysiology affect patient outcomesand disease management.
• Identify opportunities to address gaps in knowledge via future research efforts.
• Describe how insights from sex and gender research in one disease area can inform research design inother fields of study.
Six modules: Immunology; Cardiovascular Disease; Pulmonary Disease; Neurology; Endocrinology; Mental Health
Bench to bedside: integrating sex and gender to improve human health

CAS in sex- and gender – specific medicine
The aims of this course is that participants:
1- are familiar with sex-specific biological differences in the development, manifestation, and progression of diseases, as well as with their impact on diagnosis, treatment and clinical outcomes,
2- are aware of the socio-cultural gender differences in primary and secondary prevention as well as in health behaviour,
3- know the latest evidence on sex- and gender-specific issues in clinical practice and biomedical research,
4- are motivated to implement the knowledge gained from the CAS in their daily work.
Compulsory modules: Introduction to Gender medicine; Cardiovasculcar medicine; Endocrinology and metabolism. Elective modules: Study design and research; Oncology; Neurology and psychiatry; Pharmacology, anaesthesia and intensive care; Musculoskeletal Medicine, Autoimmunity & Gender Forensics; Primary Care/Health Services; Infectious Diseases

CAS in sex- and gender – specific medicine
The aims of this course is that participants:
1- are familiar with sex-specific biological differences in the development, manifestation, and progression of diseases, as well as with their impact on diagnosis, treatment and clinical outcomes,
2- are aware of the socio-cultural gender differences in primary and secondary prevention as well as in health behaviour,
3- know the latest evidence on sex- and gender-specific issues in clinical practice and biomedical research,
4- are motivated to implement the knowledge gained from the CAS in their daily work.
Compulsory modules: Introduction to Gender medicine; Cardiovasculcar medicine; Endocrinology and metabolism. Elective modules: Study design and research; Oncology; Neurology and psychiatry; Pharmacology, anaesthesia and intensive care; Musculoskeletal Medicine, Autoimmunity & Gender Forensics; Primary Care/Health Services; Infectious Diseases

CAS in sex- and gender – specific medicine
Developed by:
The aims of this course is that participants:
1- are familiar with sex-specific biological differences in the development, manifestation, and progression of diseases, as well as with their impact on diagnosis, treatment and clinical outcomes,
2- are aware of the socio-cultural gender differences in primary and secondary prevention as well as in health behaviour,
3- know the latest evidence on sex- and gender-specific issues in clinical practice and biomedical research,
4- are motivated to implement the knowledge gained from the CAS in their daily work.
Compulsory modules: Introduction to Gender medicine; Cardiovasculcar medicine; Endocrinology and metabolism. Elective modules: Study design and research; Oncology; Neurology and psychiatry; Pharmacology, anaesthesia and intensive care; Musculoskeletal Medicine, Autoimmunity & Gender Forensics; Primary Care/Health Services; Infectious Diseases

CAS in sex- and gender – specific medicine
The aims of this course is that participants:
1- are familiar with sex-specific biological differences in the development, manifestation, and progression of diseases, as well as with their impact on diagnosis, treatment and clinical outcomes,
2- are aware of the socio-cultural gender differences in primary and secondary prevention as well as in health behaviour,
3- know the latest evidence on sex- and gender-specific issues in clinical practice and biomedical research,
4- are motivated to implement the knowledge gained from the CAS in their daily work.
Compulsory modules: Introduction to Gender medicine; Cardiovasculcar medicine; Endocrinology and metabolism. Elective modules: Study design and research; Oncology; Neurology and psychiatry; Pharmacology, anaesthesia and intensive care; Musculoskeletal Medicine, Autoimmunity & Gender Forensics; Primary Care/Health Services; Infectious Diseases

CAS in sex- and gender – specific medicine
The aims of this course is that participants:
1- are familiar with sex-specific biological differences in the development, manifestation, and progression of diseases, as well as with their impact on diagnosis, treatment and clinical outcomes,
2- are aware of the socio-cultural gender differences in primary and secondary prevention as well as in health behaviour,
3- know the latest evidence on sex- and gender-specific issues in clinical practice and biomedical research,
4- are motivated to implement the knowledge gained from the CAS in their daily work.
Compulsory modules: Introduction to Gender medicine; Cardiovasculcar medicine; Endocrinology and metabolism. Elective modules: Study design and research; Oncology; Neurology and psychiatry; Pharmacology, anaesthesia and intensive care; Musculoskeletal Medicine, Autoimmunity & Gender Forensics; Primary Care/Health Services; Infectious Diseases

CAS in sex- and gender – specific medicine
The aims of this course is that participants:
1- are familiar with sex-specific biological differences in the development, manifestation, and progression of diseases, as well as with their impact on diagnosis, treatment and clinical outcomes,
2- are aware of the socio-cultural gender differences in primary and secondary prevention as well as in health behaviour,
3- know the latest evidence on sex- and gender-specific issues in clinical practice and biomedical research,
4- are motivated to implement the knowledge gained from the CAS in their daily work.
Compulsory modules: Introduction to Gender medicine; Cardiovasculcar medicine; Endocrinology and metabolism. Elective modules: Study design and research; Oncology; Neurology and psychiatry; Pharmacology, anaesthesia and intensive care; Musculoskeletal Medicine, Autoimmunity & Gender Forensics; Primary Care/Health Services; Infectious Diseases

CAS in sex- and gender – specific medicine
The aims of this course is that participants:
1- are familiar with sex-specific biological differences in the development, manifestation, and progression of diseases, as well as with their impact on diagnosis, treatment and clinical outcomes,
2- are aware of the socio-cultural gender differences in primary and secondary prevention as well as in health behaviour,
3- know the latest evidence on sex- and gender-specific issues in clinical practice and biomedical research,
4- are motivated to implement the knowledge gained from the CAS in their daily work.
Compulsory modules: Introduction to Gender medicine; Cardiovasculcar medicine; Endocrinology and metabolism. Elective modules: Study design and research; Oncology; Neurology and psychiatry; Pharmacology, anaesthesia and intensive care; Musculoskeletal Medicine, Autoimmunity & Gender Forensics; Primary Care/Health Services; Infectious Diseases
CAS in sex- and gender – specific medicine

Manual de capacitación en género y salud
To strengthen competencies of Ministry of Health multidisciplinary personnel in understanding the role of gender as a social determinant of health, in intersectoral interventions, in health research and other health fields.
El Salvador. Ministerio de Salud. Viceministerio de Políticas de Salud. Dirección de Regulación y Legislación en Salud. “Manual de Capacitación en Género y Salud”. San Salvador, El Salvador.
Research with a gender focus; feminism’s contributions to Science; gender biases in health research; inclusion of principles, values, and goals in research.
This is a 6 module training guide; module 6 specifically covers integration of gender into health research

Manual de capacitación en género y salud
To strengthen competencies of Ministry of Health multidisciplinary personnel in understanding the role of gender as a social determinant of health, in intersectoral interventions, in health research and other health fields.
El Salvador. Ministerio de Salud. Viceministerio de Políticas de Salud. Dirección de Regulación y Legislación en Salud. “Manual de Capacitación en Género y Salud”. San Salvador, El Salvador.
Research with a gender focus; feminism’s contributions to Science; gender biases in health research; inclusion of principles, values, and goals in research.
This is a 6 module training guide; module 6 specifically covers integration of gender into health research

Manual de capacitación en género y salud
Developed by:
To strengthen competencies of Ministry of Health multidisciplinary personnel in understanding the role of gender as a social determinant of health, in intersectoral interventions, in health research and other health fields.
El Salvador. Ministerio de Salud. Viceministerio de Políticas de Salud. Dirección de Regulación y Legislación en Salud. “Manual de Capacitación en Género y Salud”. San Salvador, El Salvador.
Research with a gender focus; feminism’s contributions to Science; gender biases in health research; inclusion of principles, values, and goals in research.
This is a 6 module training guide; module 6 specifically covers integration of gender into health research

Manual de capacitación en género y salud
To strengthen competencies of Ministry of Health multidisciplinary personnel in understanding the role of gender as a social determinant of health, in intersectoral interventions, in health research and other health fields.
El Salvador. Ministerio de Salud. Viceministerio de Políticas de Salud. Dirección de Regulación y Legislación en Salud. “Manual de Capacitación en Género y Salud”. San Salvador, El Salvador.
Research with a gender focus; feminism’s contributions to Science; gender biases in health research; inclusion of principles, values, and goals in research.
This is a 6 module training guide; module 6 specifically covers integration of gender into health research

Manual de capacitación en género y salud
To strengthen competencies of Ministry of Health multidisciplinary personnel in understanding the role of gender as a social determinant of health, in intersectoral interventions, in health research and other health fields.
El Salvador. Ministerio de Salud. Viceministerio de Políticas de Salud. Dirección de Regulación y Legislación en Salud. “Manual de Capacitación en Género y Salud”. San Salvador, El Salvador.
Research with a gender focus; feminism’s contributions to Science; gender biases in health research; inclusion of principles, values, and goals in research.
This is a 6 module training guide; module 6 specifically covers integration of gender into health research